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[1] No justification of weakness, vain desires and sin in the name of difference of opinion

In The Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy.

Regarding the tendency to trim, cut or even shave beards and claiming that there is no harm, or posing for selfies and photos (like fashion models and actors) which they spread on social media (WhatsApp, Snapchat, Facebook, etc); shaving the sides of the heads in the fashions of the kuffār; or wearing long trousers below the ankle-bones and claiming that “it is not done out of arrogance” and pursuing these affairs in the name of “difference of opinion between the scholars” and using that as a reason for allowance in these matters, Shaikh Abu Khadeejah [may Allah preserve him] responded:

In an age and society where people are inclined to disobedience, showing off, following lusts and falling into harām, the wise caller does not open for them a door that gives allowances to follow desires. Once this door is opened, over time Shaytān will lead them into open transgressions, cause them to lose all shame and modesty—you will not be able to distinguish between them and the kuffār (or fussāq) because their behaviour and outward appearance and conduct will be the same—wallāhul-musta’ān. The way of the cultivating parent and caller to Allah is to guide the people to the manners and character of the Prophets of Allah (‘alaihimus-salātu was-salām), not to search for allowances and justifications to imitate the habits of the unbelievers and enemies of Allah. This da’wah is built upon Tasfiyah and Tarbiyah (Purification and Cultivation)—not just one without the other.

We are not allowed to utilize the argument, “O but the scholars differ” to justify our positions. Furthermore, we are certainly not allowed to take a position that suits our desires and shahawāt, and then try and find “proofs” and scholars to justify it—that is not the way of Ahlus-Sunnah. In any case, difference of opinion is not a proof or justification for anyone to follow his desires, Al-Hāfidh Ibn Abdil-Barr (rahimahullāh) stated:

“Difference of opinion is not a proof with any of the people of knowledge from the scholars of the Ummah, except for the one who has no insight, has no knowledge and has no proof for his saying.” (Jāmi’ Bayān al-‘Ilm wa Fadhlihi, 2/229)

Furthermore, where is the proof for posing, showing off, lack of shyness, absence of humility, and following the fashions of the unbelievers in the character of the Prophets of Allāh (‘alaihimus-salātu was-salām)? They were the furthest from possessing these lowly traits.

We are living in a society that encourages and shamelessly promotes: immodesty, nakedness, displaying oneself, exploitation of women, following immoral fashions and customs, showing off and opposing the Prophetic manners in every manner possible. In this environment should we be encouraging our youth with allowances that lead to imitate these people further?! Where is our wisdom and our nurturing?

The cultivating teachers protect our youth and our communities from falling into these traps—not giving them excuses and reasons to lose their love and adherence to the way of the Prophet (salallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam) and the Salaf.

Pay attention to your communities—bring them closer to the Prophetic manners and conduct—don’t give them excuses to move away from that. Remember, what you teach them, they will pass to their wives, children and families—so it is a heavy trust and a great amānah before Allāh. And if you find it difficult, please leave it to those who are capable and who don’t fear the blame of the blamers. May Allah bless you. I remind you once again that this Da’wah is built upon the pillars of Tasfiyah and Tarbiyah—let us focus on both.

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